Support the Friends of Pompeys Pillar by becoming a member today. Your membership will benefit Pompeys Pillar National Monument by helping to:
- Provide Quality Education and Interpretive Programs.
- Improve the Historic Experience for visitors at the Monument.
- Support Volunteers at the Pillar who give many hours of volunteer service to
- enhance the Visitor Experience at the Pompeys Pillar.
There is a membership level of support that is just right for you. Please join today!
To become a member on Network For Good, Click Here. To become a member via PayPal click a tab below for details and purchasing information.
Pomp Level – $25 per year
Benefits include:
- The Friends Electronic Newsletter
- Notification of Friends Special Events as well as Special Events at the Monument.
Sgt. Pryor Level – $50 per year
Benefits include:
- The Friends Electronic Newsletter
- Notification of Friends Special Events as well as Special Events at the Monument
- 10% discount at the Pompeys Pillar Gift Store
Sacagawea Level – $100 per year
Benefits include:
- The Friends Electronic Newsletter
- Notification of Friends Special Events as well as Special Events at the Monument
- 10% discount at the Pompeys Pillar Gift Store
- Free William Clark signature mug
Captain Clark Level – $1000 per year
Benefits include:
- The Friends Electronic Newsletter
- Notification of Friends Special Events as well as Special Events at the Monument
- 10% discount at the Pompeys Pillar Gift Store
- Free William Clark signature mug
Expedition Level – You choose your level of giving!
I want to donate $________ to the Friends of Pompeys Pillar to further their work to sustain and support Pompeys Pillar National Monument
PayPal and Network for Good are safe and secure methods of joining the Friends of Pompeys Pillar as a member or make a donation. It will not cost you to use these services.
Visit our Network For Good or PayPal pages to make a donation/membership online!
If you do not want to use PayPal or Network For Good, please send you name, address, membership level, email address (for updates and electronic newsletter) and check to Friends of Pompeys Pillar at the address below:.
Mail: PO Box 23535 Billings, MT 59104
Phone: (406)-969-5380